Dress Shirt Laundry
Clean. Crisp. Convenient: Professional shirt laundry
Skip the hours of washing and ironing—and get better results with zero effort—by handing off this labor-intensive task to our professional shirt laundry service. (And it costs less than you think!)
Just load up your shirts into one of our free reusable bags and call for FREE door-to-door pickup & delivery (or drop it off to your nearest Regency Cleaners if we’re on the way).
Your dress and casual shirts and other “washable” garments will come back looking their best thanks to advanced processes, including:
- Special environmentally safe detergents, additives, and finishes that set our commercial laundry apart from home laundering and discount cleaners.
- Quality pre-treatment solutions that are highly effective at removing that unsightly perspiration (and similar) stains on collars and underarm areas.
- Thanks to professional shirt presses, you’ll see a crisper finish than with home ironing—an extra level of polish our customers love.
And because we process all of your laundry at our own facilities, by our own staff of quality finishers and inspectors, we’re able to ensure excellent results—and a quality cleaned garment at reasonable prices.
When will dry cleaning be a better choice than shirt laundry cleaning?
Some stains, and some shirts, require dry cleaning. Oil-based stains tend to lift better with the help of dry cleaning solvents. And certain fabric fibers break down under repeated water laundering.
For best results, we always like to discuss any stains and check fabrics so that together, we can choose the best cleaning method for your garments.
Drop by your nearest Regency Cleaners—and start smiling at the professional results you’ll see!

TIP: How can I prevent stains on my dress shirts from setting in?
- If the fabric is not marked as Dry Clean Only, pretreat the stain as soon as you notice it, but don’t leave the solvent on longer than recommended as that can begin to damage fibers.
- We suggest pre-treating using a Tide Pen if possible, but seltzer water, white vinegar, lemon juice or dish detergent are often effective alternatives.
- Dab lightly—don’t rub or press deeply into the fabric because that can just drive the stain deeper.
- Rinse and repeat until the stain lifts.
- Bring your shirt (or other garments) into us as soon as possible for a final cleaning and pressing.